
Slide protection and When safety have the highest priority!

A characteristic feature of the COVID-19 virus is its easy spread and high morbidity. It often happens that after being infected with the coronavirus a person does not show any symptoms for a long time or at all.  The rapidly spreading disease that sometimes does not show clear symptoms carries a high risk for people with a weaker immune system or prone to infections. It is particularly dangerous for the elderly and chronically ill. The key element of antiviral prophylaxis and the main means of diagnosing the COVID-19 infection are reliable tests. Early detection of the COVID-19 infection can prevent further spread of the disease and help in the fight against the pandemic.  On the market we can find various types of tests for the presence of COVID-19 and its antibodies, mainly these are antigen tests and tests for the presence of virus antibodies in the organism.  


The antigen tests detect protein particles, so called antigens in samples taken from the nose and throat of the tested person. The antigen tests should preferably be performed within 5-7 days of potential contact with a person infected with COVID-19. The genetic test, using the RT-PCR method, is characterized by greater sensitivity in the early and late stages of the disease. It detects the presence of genetic material in a sample.


It is also possible to perform serological tests to identify anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, which have formed after contact with the COVID-19 virus. A positive result may indicate a past or ongoing infection, while a negative result does not exclude the infection.


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+48 880 229 909


